About Reef Realty
Who We Are
We are far from your average real estate brokerage. We thoroughly and consistently arm you with the best information available, enabling you to make the most confident, well-informed decisions; and in so doing, helping you to achieve your goals. We’ve spent more than 2 ½ decades getting to where we are right now, and are now positioned to serve you better than ever.
We are not salespeople. We are real estate consultants that never talk you into anything. Instead, we passionately guide you and teach you how to negotiate your way through the unimaginable number of nuances and pitfalls that exist and occur during every transaction.
We make sure to put you in the best position possible, relative to your specific goals. We do that by consistently showing up physically, mentally, and professionally.
- We provide the most relevant, accurate information available to you today.
- We offer you the best, most experienced advice possible.
- We negotiate every agreement on your behalf as if it were our own.
- We make commitments to you that you know you can count on.
- We earn your trust – through unsurpassed levels of competence and exemplary standards of character – in all of our actions.
We are dedicated to our fiduciary duty to act in YOUR very best interest, and we take that duty very seriously. We never lose sight of that obligation, and only from our decades of experience do we understand how to fulfill this duty.
We understand that our personal measure of success hinges on achieving your goals.
When you win, we win.
Why Choose Us
You have so many options when it comes to choosing a real estate broker to represent you in the sale or purchase of your home. What it boils down to is picking someone who you can trust. And when you think about it, TRUST is made up of two critical elements — competence and character. Find an experienced broker of high character and unsurpassed levels of competence, and you’ve found the right person!
Does the broker have two+ decades and hundreds of transactions under his belt?
Does the broker have an appraisal background and an intimate understanding of the valuation and economics of real property?
Does the broker have a construction background? Has he ever built anything? Does he know how to look out for you when it comes to the physical aspects of the home you are considering?
Odds are poor that you meet an agent that admits to you they are of poor character. So instead of us praising ourselves, see what other people are saying about us and about us and about our character.
Who Are You
In classic cliché fashion, our clients are usually ready, willing and able to embark on their real estate transaction.
But don’t worry, if you don’t have all your ducks in a row, we’ll help you get there too.
We have all the knowledge, skills and resources you’ll need to move forward with our guidance.
You’ll know you are Ready when…
…you are feeling some sort of pain and you are motivated to find a solution to alleviate that pain. Here are some examples of the pain we are talking about are.
Whatever you circumstances may be, we help you alleviate those sources of pain. No one moves for fun. Let’s face it, it’s a hassle. But if your current living circumstances are causing more pain than pleasure, it’s probably time to consider making a move.
Again, when contemplating a real estate transaction there is going to be some effort that needs to be put forth. A good broker will alleviate the burden of work to a certain extent but both buying and selling a home takes time and energy on the part of the client too. If you are unwilling to dedicate some time and energy into the process, you may just not be willing yet.
And of course, being able is critical too. Lots of people are ready and willing but just don’t have the capability for one reason or another to act.
If you’re a Seller, being ABLE means:
- You have the authority to enter into a binding agreement
- You can convey clean, equitable title to your property
- Your family is on board with your decision
- You have a plan for alternate housing
If you’re a Buyer, being ABLE means;
- You’re ready to chosen a lender (assuming you’re in need of a loan)
- You’re ready to get pre-qualified for your financing
- Your go goals are clear and realistic
- You’re ready to have a detailed conversation with your real estate broker.
We know, it all can sound overwhelming. Rest assured that’s why we are here…
to help guide you through the process and provide resources whenever needed.
Meet The Team